Martin Cooper, thank you! Who is Martin Cooper? He is the inventor of the very useful cellphone. Admit it or not, we cannot live without cellphone. By the use of cellphone, we can communicate to our family, love ones and others. Cellphone updates us, communicates with others and entertains us (internet, camera, pictures, videos, games etc.) Cellphone has many advantages but also have disadvantages. We all know what are those.
We Filipinos are thankful for cellphones because we can communicate with other people without any hassle. We can socialize and have easy communication. Every person is just a text or call away but just make sure you have a load. By the use of cellphone, we can contact our family and ask where they are, what are they doing, what is currently happening to them, contact them in emergencies and many other things. We can also do these things with our friends.

We consider cellphone as an representation of Filipino family today because cellphone today is a must and every family member has cellphone or even cellphones. Cellphone is a mobile device that we can use for easy communication for our family. Like cellphone, our family is very important too to us and as if we cannot live without cellphone in our lives. Also, because of cellphone, we don't get bored easily. Cellphone bridges gaps.
Cellphone, it's a necessity.
We Filipinos are thankful for cellphones because we can communicate with other people without any hassle. We can socialize and have easy communication. Every person is just a text or call away but just make sure you have a load. By the use of cellphone, we can contact our family and ask where they are, what are they doing, what is currently happening to them, contact them in emergencies and many other things. We can also do these things with our friends.

We consider cellphone as an representation of Filipino family today because cellphone today is a must and every family member has cellphone or even cellphones. Cellphone is a mobile device that we can use for easy communication for our family. Like cellphone, our family is very important too to us and as if we cannot live without cellphone in our lives. Also, because of cellphone, we don't get bored easily. Cellphone bridges gaps.
Cellphone, it's a necessity.
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