Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Family picture

It symbolizes that Filipinos are family-orientated, sentimental and treasures their family so much compared to other foreign family.
Filipino people are sentimental. They treasure a lot of happy memories with their love ones, as well as sharing these memories to others. Filipinos love to reminisce those past memories. Also, they want to let the world see the beauty of the Filipino people.

Filipinos are fun-loving and love to share stories and experiences with others. It is part of our culture to share what we learn or experience when we travel or in simple daily encounters.

Nowadays, blogging is common to Filipinos. A lot of people blog for different reasons, but usually, it's simply to share, to update friends and others of what is happening with you. It is part of the pinoy culture to be "ma-kwento" (full of stories) and blogging is just a new and fun way of doing this. Reminiscing and being connected to others and keeping in touch with friends and family are Filipino traits.
A typical Family picture by Filipinos